texts & catalogs
"ZONE(S) DE CONTACT" - 2023/24 - Montevideo - Uruguay
Jacqueline Lacasa, curator and artist
Despojos, como huellas, como fósiles de un tiempo presente. Excedentes del ser, excedentes de la esquizofrenia contemporánea. Myriam Zini en esta exhibición configura con su pintura y en su instalación esos planos que se conectan desde territorios políticos en movimiento. Su ser migrante presente, nos entrega una nueva forma de leer las zonas de contacto para la supervivencia crítica de la condición humana. En la exhibición que presenta en la Alianza Francesa de Montevideo, se transita por múltiples accesos, en estas zonas de contacto y reflexión que elige la artista hay dos temas centrales: los efectos acumulativos de los químicos en los desechos y la nueva geografía física que está produciendo en regiones donde claramente se invisibilizan los volúmenes de vertederos a cielo abierto, de ropa amontonada. [...]
"SUCH A PERFECT DAY" - 2019 - Uruguay
Fernando Lopez-Lage, curator and artist
Such a Perfect Day stages the weight of the news in the archeology of the present. Through traditional means and those incorporated with the new technologies, we have access to them, but it is observed more than ever as the news is disembodied: one deal looks like another, one castaway to another, one dictatorship to another, one popular movement to another, one party to another.
.... This installation is a file in process, a device concept of the semantics of the image in the press and of the media and of how they intend to show us the world we inhabit. A device that erases, intervenes and expands the contemporary view of historiography [...]
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Curatorial text in english
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Curatorial text in french
"LACRIMOGENIO" - 2013 - Brazil
MARIO GIOIA, curator[Shards, rocks, surfaces - ... In general terms, her fertile production can be interpreted as an attempt to poeticise the maximised circulation of images and information through diverse sources, within a broadened scope of that which was once known as mass media, and also as the production of works grounded in the pictorial tradition of contemporary art, the subgenres of which might be dubbed as bad painting, free painting, expanded painting. ... the Morocco-born French artist who now lives in Brazil exhibits an unquestionable ability to compose eye-catching scenery. In these times of hyper-exposure, scenery is a suitable term, as nowadays almost everything is about performing, representing and being seen.]
Full text: mario-gioia-eng-zipup-2013-2.pdf