Lacrimogenio / Teargas _ Zipper gallery Sao Paulo _ 2013


Shards, rocks, surfaces

The generously sized and intensely chromatic paintings of Myriam Zini, presented in her first solo exhibition, Lacrimogêneo [Lacrimatory], as part of the Zip'Up project, offer no room for half-measure readings. The viewer either admires them or rejects them with equal force. In general terms, her fertile production can be interpreted as an attempt to poeticise the maximised circulation of images and information through diverse sources, within a broadened scope of that which was once known as mass media, and also as the production of works grounded in the pictorial tradition of contemporary art, the subgenres of which might be dubbed as bad painting, free painting, expanded painting or the like.

See more: Shards, rocks, surfaces

Text in portuguese:  Cacos, pedras, superfícies